5th Place Play-off
Afghanistan  295/8 (50)
Scotland  206/10 (40)
  Afghanistan INNINGS (50 overs)
Batting PerformanceRunCR AvgRun %SRCR SRSR %
Mohammad Nabi 5829.5619690.6286.99104
Noor Ali Zadran 4527.67162160.7163.49253
Raees Ahmadzai 3929.3313290.6964.23141
Nawroz Mangal 3232.369868.0877.1688
Karim Sadiq 2023.758490.9080.91112
Khaliq Dad 013.3300.0057.970
Hamid Hassan 07.0700.0053.800
Hasti Gul 230.00 209.09209.09100
Bowling PerformanceWktsEcoAvgSRBBF
Hamid Hassan 3/33 4.1220.5827.105/45
Khaliq Dad 2/25 4.1616.6628.003/30
Hasti Gul 2/48 5.3324.3338.002/48
Nawroz Mangal 1/2 2.0028.2535.803/35
Dawlat Ahmadzai 1/40 6.66121.00112.001/40
Mohammad Nabi 0/41 5.1234.1147.704/31

  Scotland INNINGS (target: 296 runs from 50 overs)
Batting PerformanceRunCR AvgRun %SRCR SRSR %
John Blain 4114.9427473.2154.93133
Gordon Drummond 2518.4613592.5991.60101
Neil McCallum 3627.83129109.0969.05157
Kyle Coetzer 4441.0010795.6586.31110
Colin Smith 1519.6376115.3867.50170
Moneeb Iqbal 1524.006260.0053.33112
Gavin Hamilton 835.172272.7266.64109
Ryan Watson 630.831960.0074.3380
Majid Haq 116.64610.0060.7916
Calum MacLeod 030.1500.0078.710
Jan Stander 011.0000.0058.660
Bowling PerformanceWktsEcoAvgSRBBF
John Blain 3/62 6.8828.6032.405/22
John Blain 3/62 6.8828.6032.405/22
Jan Stander 2/25 5.0027.6625.002/25
Jan Stander 2/25 5.0027.6625.002/25
Moneeb Iqbal 2/46 5.1167.5067.502/35
Moneeb Iqbal 2/46 5.1167.5067.502/35
Gordon Drummond 0/48 4.8037.2850.504/41
Gordon Drummond 0/48 4.8037.2850.504/41
Majid Haq 0/46 5.1132.9143.805/54
Majid Haq 0/46 5.1132.9143.805/54
Calum MacLeod 0/63 7.8745.2551.002/26
Calum MacLeod 0/63 7.8745.2551.002/26

  Scotland INNINGS (target: 296 runs from 50 overs)
Batting PerformanceRunCR AvgRun %SRCR SRSR %
John Blain 4114.9427473.2154.93133
Gordon Drummond 2518.4613592.5991.60101
Neil McCallum 3627.83129109.0969.05157
Kyle Coetzer 4441.0010795.6586.31110
Colin Smith 1519.6376115.3867.50170
Moneeb Iqbal 1524.006260.0053.33112
Gavin Hamilton 835.172272.7266.64109
Ryan Watson 630.831960.0074.3380
Majid Haq 116.64610.0060.7916
Calum MacLeod 030.1500.0078.710
Jan Stander 011.0000.0058.660
Bowling PerformanceWktsEcoAvgSRBBF
John Blain 3/62 6.8828.6032.405/22
John Blain 3/62 6.8828.6032.405/22
Jan Stander 2/25 5.0027.6625.002/25
Jan Stander 2/25 5.0027.6625.002/25
Moneeb Iqbal 2/46 5.1167.5067.502/35
Moneeb Iqbal 2/46 5.1167.5067.502/35
Gordon Drummond 0/48 4.8037.2850.504/41
Gordon Drummond 0/48 4.8037.2850.504/41
Majid Haq 0/46 5.1132.9143.805/54
Majid Haq 0/46 5.1132.9143.805/54
Calum MacLeod 0/63 7.8745.2551.002/26
Calum MacLeod 0/63 7.8745.2551.002/26

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